Wednesday, July 23, 2008

what am i think about public speaking????

i think.......
it quiet nerve wreaking actually..
when talking about public speaking..,some people start to panic..
some..,just ignore the fact that they are afraid..hehehe..just like me actually..
actually some people are born to speak...,others need to practice because as people use to say
'practice make perfect'..emmm...just an expression actually..haha
some people are afraid of this because they always think that they are going to make mistake when talking in front of the crowd...nervous is okay..because no body is perfect...
only God is perfect....however we need to do things to perfection....
so to practice and practice...
here some tips..first..start by talking in front of a mirror..
because you need to see your body language..with a good body language..
people can see how serious your are in what you are talking about..
next, try to make a speech with your friends, just pretend that they are your actual audience..
this will help you improve...
for your information..,during public speaking.. grammar sentence structure is kind of not very important..
it is how you said that make it count...however, you need a good sentences though..
then,do not use just monotone..this wil make people bored to death..hehe
make some will help keep your crowd attention...
i think that all that i can said right..i feel kind of sleepy right now.. =p
so..,do really going to help you...
not jut for public speaking...
as a student..we need to make many kind of presentation...
so we need to be ready..student who always get great grade but cannot talk..
actually are useless..
so get out..,get up.., and start to speak up....'practice make perfect'


sky pirate said...

haha great way to increase my confidence in speaking. i hope it'll help me mr. \o/

Nako Abdullah said...

ko curik tips dr mr earnest ni kan.?haha